docker ⚓︎
- Docker docs! The starting point
- Docker and Kubernetes complete tutorial, a very detailed playlist from beginner to advanced level in both Docker and Kubernetes - it's also a Udemy course, by the way
- Dev containers, a playlist from the VS Code YouTube channel about containerized dev environments
- Docker Mastery Udemy course on Docker and Kubernetes, by a Docker Captain
- 15 Quick Docker Tips
- Docker takes advantage of the kernel's property of namespacing (isolating resources per process or group of processes, e.g. when a process needs a specific portion of the actual hardware such as the hard drive, but not the rest) and control groups (cgroups) (limiting the amount of resources - RAM, CPU, HD I/O, network bandwith, etc. per process or group of processes)
- So a container is basically a process whose system calls are redirected to a namespaced portion of dedicated hardware (HD, RAM, network, CPU, etc.) through the host's kernel
- An image is essentially a read-only filesystem snapshot with a startup command
- Docker's architecture:
Install docker on Debian⚓︎
Reference here)
- Compare your Debian version (in
) with the current installation requirements - Set up the stable Docker repository with
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release sudo curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg sudo echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
- Install the Docker engine:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
- Test the installation with:
docker --version
- Create a new user group called 'docker' and add your user to it:
Test the last commands by running
sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER newgrp docker
without having to prefacesudo
. - Configure Docker to start on boot:
sudo systemctl enable docker.service sudo systemctl enable containerd.service
- The docker daemon configuration is stored in
Images and containers⚓︎
docker image ls
: all the images in the docker host's cache
Images are referred to with
"Official" images live at the 'root namespace' of the registry, therefore you can call them by the repository name without specifying the
)Tags are basically a specific image commit into its repository, similarly to Git. Multiple tags can refer to the same image ID.
docker image history nginx:latest
: list all the layers in thenginx:latest
image (sorted by datetime descending) -
docker container ls -al
: all the containers with all the statuses (running, created, exited, stopped, etc) -
docker container run --detach --name postgres14 --publish 5432:5432 --env POSTGRES_USER=root --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secretpassword postgres:14-alpine
: runs a new detached instance of thepostgres:14-alpine
image by publishing the container's port5432
(syntax is--publish HOST:CONTAINER
) and using the specified environment variables -
docker container run --interactive --tty --name ubuntu ubuntu bash
: will overwrite the startup command included with theubuntu:latest
image with thebash
command, thus opening an interactive pseudo-tty shell -
docker image prune --all
: deletes all dangling images, check before deleting withdocker images --filter "dangling=true"
How to pull the image of a specific distro (es. Alpine) without specifying the tag version? ( to be tested): get all the tags of a specific
in a list (you will need the JSON processor jq, just use apt-get install jq
) and filtering them by distro with grep
wget -q -O - | jq -r '.[].name' | grep '\-alpine'
with your image name
docker container cp FILE CONTAINER_NAME:/
: it copiesFILE
in the root folder of theCONTAINER_NAME
docker container stop CONTAINER_NAME_OR_ID
: it sends aSIGTERM
signal to the primary process inside the container, letting it shut down on its own time and with its own clean-up procedure -
docker container kill CONTAINER_NAME_OR_ID
: it sends aSIGKILL
signal to the primary process inside the container, shutting it down immediately; it's automatically used by the Docker Server if the container's process does not respond to thedocker stop
command within 10 seconds. -
docker system prune
: it removes all stopped containers, all networks not used, all dangling images, all build cache -
Get the docker image ID by its name (
):docker images --format="{{.Repository}} {{.ID}}" | # Reformat the output of 'docker images' grep "IMAGE-NAME" | # Find your image cut -d' ' -f2 # Cut the output and pick the ID
docker system df
gives you stats about the occupied space, likeTYPE TOTAL ACTIVE SIZE RECLAIMABLE Images 8 0 1.665GB 1.665GB (100%) Containers 0 0 0B 0B Local Volumes 6 0 205.1MB 205.1MB (100%) Build Cache 0 0 0B 0B
Remove all Exited containers: it may occur that some containers with running processes are in the
status and therefore won't be deleted with thedocker container rm
command - or, the specific ID will be removed and immediately replaced with another one. Then just run:docker rm $(docker ps -a -f status=exited -q)
Network drivers and aliases⚓︎
Reference here.
docker network ls
: all the networks in docker
Remember that the
default network does not support the internal DNS - which you can find in any new bridge network created withdocker network create --driver bridge NETWORK
. So, it's a best practice to always create your custom networks and attach your containers to them (withdocker network connect NETWORK CONTAINER
docker network inspect --format "{{json .Containers }}" bridge | jq
: lists all the containers connected to the default docker networkbridge
docker network inspect --format "{{json .IPAM.Config }}" bridge | jq
: gives the IP range used by the default docker networkbridge
docker container inspect --format "{{json .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" nginx | jq
: thenginx
container's internal IP address read from theinspect
output (use the container's hostname instead of IP address... containers really are ephemeral!)
docker network connect NETWORK CONTAINER --alias ALIAS
: will set theALIAS
of the container in the network.
Multiple containers can even have the same alias. That's used for :material-wiki: DNS Round-Robin, a form of DNS-based load-balacing test.
Using a makefile
to speed up the docker commands
To avoid typing long bash commands, automate the most usual ones with a Makefile (also a tutorial at Makefiletutorial). The Makefile follows the syntax:
target: prerequisites
# Variables
containername = YOUR-CONTAINER-NAME
dbname = YOUR-DB-NAME
dbuser = YOUR-DB-USER
dbpassword = YOUR-DB-PASSWORD
runbash: # It opens a bash shell on the target container
sudo docker exec -it $(containername) bash
runpostgres: # It runs a PostgreSQL container
sudo docker run -d --name $(containername) -p 54325:5432 -e POSTGRES_DB=root -e POSTGRES_USER=$(dbuser) -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(dbpassword) postgres:14-alpine
createdb: # It creates the PostgreSQL database in the container
sudo docker exec -it $(containername) createdb --username=$(dbuser) --owner=$(dbuser) $(dbname)
dropdb: # It drops the PostgreSQL database in the container
sudo docker exec -it $(containername) dropdb $(dbname)
migrateup: # It performs a forward db migration
migrate -path db/migrations -database "postgresql://$(dbuser):$(dbpassword)@localhost:54325/$(dbname)?sslmode=disable" -verbose up
migratedown: # It performs a backward db migration
migrate -path db/migrations -database "postgresql://$(dbuser):$(dbpassword)@localhost:54325/$(dbname)?sslmode=disable" -verbose down
runpsql: # It opens a psql shell on the target container
sudo docker exec -it $(containername) psql $(dbname)
.PHONY: runbash runpostgres createdb dropdb runpsql migrateup migratedown
! 🎉🎊 For example:
make runbash # It will open a bash shell on the specified container
make runpostgres # Create the container and start it
make createdb # Create the database
make migrateup # Run the first migration to create the schema
make runpsql # Start the psql CLI
cat -etv Makefile
to look for missing tabs (^I
Learn on a running container:
docker run -d IMAGE_NAME ping
, where theping
command overrides the default image's startup command and leaves the container always running
The error docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint ...: Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use means that the specified local port (i.e. in the example, the bind
) is already used by another process... Just change the host port .
docker container exec --interactive --tty postgres14 psql -U root
: it will start a command (the one specified after the image's name, herepsql -U root
) running in addition to the startup command -
docker container logs CONTAINER_NAME_OR_ID
: it shows the logs of the specifiedCONTAINER_NAME_OR_ID
. This is the same output as running the container without the--detach
An example of Dockerfile for a Python application (references here) with multiple 'stanzas'.
Here you can find some best practices for writing Dockerfile.
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
# Base image
FROM python:3.8-slim-buster
# Container's default location for all subsequent commands
# Copy command from the Dockerfile local folder to the path relative to WORKDIR
COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
# Running a command with the image's default shell (it can be changed with a SHELL command)
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Copy the whole source code
COPY . .
# Command we want to run when our image is executed inside a container
# Notice the "" meant to make the application visible from outside of the container
CMD [ "python3", "-m" , "flask", "run", "--host="]
arguments can be over-ridden:cat Dockerfile FROM ubuntu CMD ["echo"] $ docker run imagename echo hello hello
arguments can NOT be over-ridden:cat Dockerfile FROM ubuntu ENTRYPOINT ["echo"] $ docker run imagename echo hello echo hello
To install an unpacked service using its executable on Docker, use the following Dockerfile:
Where theFROM WORKDIR /app COPY . "C:/app" RUN ["C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/InstallUtil.exe", "/i", "EXECUTABLE_NAME.exe"] SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"] CMD c:\app\Wait-Service.ps1 -ServiceName 'SERVICE_NAME' -AllowServiceRestart
script is here.