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Raspberry Pi 3 ⚓︎


  • Update all the packages
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
  • Set up DNS
    • Install ddclient:
      sudo apt-get install ddclient
    • Configure ddclient by editing /etc/ddclient.conf
    • Restart the service with sudo service ddclient restart
    • Remember to create FULL_HOSTNAME on PROVIDER
  • Set up static IP address
    # Set a static ip by editing /etc/dhcpcd.conf
    interface [eth0,wlan0] 
    static ip_address=STATIC_IP_ADDRESS
    static routers=ROUTER_IP_ADDRESS
    static domain_name_servers=DNS_IP_ADDRESS
  • Set port forwarding on router
  • Open SSH connection
    • Edit the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
      port=PORT_NUMBER  # Change SSH default port 
      PermitRootlogin=no entry # Changed SSH login of root 
      AllowUsers=user # Allowed SSH login of 'user'
      Banner=PATH_OF_BANNER_FILE # Created ssh-banner file containing a warning, then edited Banner entry with the path
    • Restart the service with /etc/init.d/ssh restart
    • Basically, now you can login as 'user' and then switch to a different administrator user
  • Set up dev environment
  • VS code (apt-get install code)
  • Git (apt-get instaLL git)
  • Ruby (apt-get install ruby-full) an Rails (gem install rails)

Set up an external storage⚓︎

Full instructions here.

  • Install exFAT driver: it may be useful in mounting the HDD storage
    apt-get install exfat-fuse
  • listing all the disk partitions and indentifying the one corresponding to the USB driver)
  • Getting the location of the disk partition, usually /dev/DISK_LOCATION
  • Creating a target folder to be the mount point of the USB drive
    mkdir /mnt/MOUNT_POINT_NAME 
  • *Mounting the drive from the location of the partition to the mount point
  • Check the content of the drive
    ls -l /mnt/MOUNT_POINT_NAME
  • Setting automounting
    • Retrieving the UUID
    • editing the file /etc/fstab with the location of all partitions to be mounted at boot. Add the line
  • Format the USB drive in VFAT
    • retrieving the partition location
    • unmounting: it's mandatory before formatting
      umount /dev/PARTITION
    • formatting with VFAT
      mkfs.vfat -n 'PARTITION_NAME' /dev/PARTITION  
      USB key -made of one single VFAT partition- perfectly usable!

Install Jupyter Notebook⚓︎

  • Install python3
    apt-get update
    apt-get install python3-matplotlib
    apt-get install python3-scipy
    pip3 install --upgrade pip
  • Reboot
  • Install jupyter
    sudo pip3 install jupyter
    sudo apt-get clean
  • SSH-ing with a specific user ID runs the Jupyter Notebook from /run/user/ID, which may not have the permissions. This comes from the env variable $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, which does not change after substituting user. Just go with:
    export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=""
    (but since it's uncomfortable to set it at each login, just edit ~/.profile adding export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR)
  • Run jupyter notebook:
    jupyter notebook


If port 8888 is still not reachable from SSH, go to PuTTY Settings > Tunnels > Source port = 8888, Destination=

  • Now your Jupyter Notebook is working from browser on <> !

Next steps⚓︎

  • Making an SD gzipped image of the system and uploading it in the cloud (e.g. Dropbox)
  • Mounting an external HDD + Installing OwnCloud/NextCloud
  • Continuing on SSH security: DSA public key authentication